VNPS members enjoy the natural world and support efforts to preserve Virginia’s native plants. Ranging in age from students to seniors, VNPS includes professionals, knowledgeable amateurs and many who are just beginning to learn about our flora. While some members join enthusiastically in activities, others help out occasionally or support the society solely with their memberships and their interest. All are welcome.
Membership Includes:
- Sempervirens, the VNPS Quarterly filled with timely articles, and your Chapter Newsletter.
- The VNPS Annual Meeting, hosted by chapters around the state, offering an opportunity to hear exemplary speakers and see native plants.
- Our Annual Workshop, offering high quality educational opportunities.
- Opportunities to be active in your community through chapter programs and activities including programs, field trips, plant identification, propagation, landscaping, and conservation projects. Community needs and interests determine the thrust of each chapter’s activities.
- VNPS members may affiliate with any chapter or choose to support our goals as members at large. Membership is for one year from the month that the application is received.
- Dues are tax deductible in the amount they exceed $5.
- Other contributions are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.
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