Helpful Links

500-Year Forest Foundation
American Bird Conservancy
American Chestnut Cooperators’ Foundation
American Chestnut Foundation
Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden Using Native Plants
Audubon Naturalist Society
Audubon Society – Audubon At Home
Audubon Society of Northern Virginia

Blue Ridge Prism VNPS Partner
Botanical Society of Washington
Bull Run Mountain Conservancy
Butterflies of North America

Center for Plant Conservation
Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Maryland
Common Bees and Best Bee Plants of the East

DC Herbarium Collections on-line
Delaware Nature Society
Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora

East Coast Native Azaleas

Flora of Virginia Project VNPS Partner
Flora of Virginia Educational Videos New
Flora of the Washington-Baltimore Area

Gaia Theory
Green Spring Gardens


Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center
Loudon Wildlife Conservancy

Maryland Natural Heritage Program
Meadowlark Botanical Gardens
Mid-Atlantic Region Green Landscaping (EPA)
Mount Cuba Center, Dedicated to the Study of Piedmont Flora

Navigating the 2021 Virginia General Assembly
National Arboretum
Native Plant Information Network
Native Plant Trust
Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping (USFWS)
Native Plants of the Mid-Atlantic Region
Nature Camp
Norfolk Botanical Garden
North Carolina Botanical Garden
North American Orchid Center

Orion Society

Piedmont Environmental Council
Plant Conservation Alliance

Plants National Database
Plant NOVA Natives
Plant Virginia Natives
The Pollinator Partnership

Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Plants of Maryland

Shenandoah Ecosystems Defense Group
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

Trees Virginia-Virginia Urban Forest Council
Tree and Forest Health Guide – Virginia Department of Foresty (PDF)

University of Tennessee Vascular Plant Herbarium 
USDA Plants Database
US Forest Service – Celebrating Wildflowers

Valley Conservation Council
Virginia Association of Wetland Professionals
Virginia Conservation Network VNPS Partner
Virginia Natural Heritage Program VNPS Partner
Native Plants for Conservation, Restoration & Landscaping 
The Virginia State Arboretum at Blandy Experimental Farm VNPS Partner
Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens
Virginia Working Landscapes

Washington Area Butterfly Club
Wildflowers of the Southeastern United States – Image Collection
The Xerces Society

Invasive Plant Sites

Alien Plant Invaders of Natural Areas (PCA)
Invasive Alien Plant Species of Virginia
Invasive and Exotic Species of North America 
Mid-Atlantic Exotic Pest Plant Council 
NatureServe Invasive Plant ranking
Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council
Wildland Invasive Species Team (TNC)

Native Plant Societies

Wildflowers of Alabama
Alaska Native Plant Society
Arkansas Native Plant Society
Arizona Native Plant Society
California Native Plant Society
Delaware Native Plant Society
Eastern Panhandle Native Plant Society (WV)
Florida Native Plant Society
Georgia Native Plant Society
Native Hawaiian Plant Society
Idaho Native Plant Society
Illinois Native Plant and Wildflower Society
Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower Society
Kentucky Native Plant Society
Louisiana Native Plant Society
Maryland Native Plant Society
Michigan Botanical Club
Minnesota Native Plant Society
Missouri Native Plant Society
Montana Native Plant Society
Native Plant Society of New Jersey
Native Plant Society of New Mexico
Northern Nevada Native Plant Society
North American Native Plant Society
North Carolina Wild Flower Preservation Society
Nova Scotia Wild Flower Society
Ohio Native Plant Society
Cincinnati Wild Flower Preservation Society
Native Plant Society of Northeastern Ohio
Oklahoma Native Plant Society
Oregon Native Plant Society
Pennsylvania Native Plant Society
Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan
South Carolina Native Plant Society
Native Plant Society of Texas
Utah Native Plant Society
Washington Native Plant Society
West Virginia Native Plant Society
Wyoming Native Plant Society

Email Discussion Groups and Listservs

VNPS Email Discussion Group (
VNPS Potowmack Chapter Email Discussion Group (
Native Plants East Email Discussion Group (