Contact Us Boyce, VA 22620 Virginia Native Plant Society Email: Phone: (540) 837-1600 Address: 400 Blandy Farm Lane, Unit 2 Boyce, Virginia 22620 Name First Last Email* What chapter would you like to contact?No specific chapter/At Large MemberBlue Ridge Wildflower SocietyJeffersonJohn ClaytonNew RiverNorthern NeckPiedmontPocahontasPotowmackPrince William Wildflower SocietyShenandoahSouth Hampton RoadsUpper James RiverWhat assistance can we offer? Neon/Membership Account Support Upcoming Event Questions/Notification Which Chapter Should I Join? Volunteering Back Copies of Newsletters Other How May We Assist You?EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ