Board of Directors
The Board of Directors manages the Society and consists of the Officers, which constitute the Executive Committee, Chairs of the Standing Committees, Directors-At-Large, and the Chapter Representatives. Any member of the Society in good standing who is actively engaged in the conservation of Virginia’s native plants may be elected to the Board.
The Officers, Directors-At-Large, and Standing Committee Chairs are elected at the annual meeting from a slate prepared by the Nominating Committee, to serve a term of three (3) years. The Chapter Representatives are presidents of the chapters, unless appointed by their board to represent the president.
The Annual Meeting and a Board of Directors meeting is regularly held in September. Three (3) other Board meetings are held in June, December and March. View the VNPS Event Calendar.
Read our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) Mission and Vision Statement.
Elected Officers
Title | Name |
President | Nancy Vehrs |
1st Vice President | Kevin Howe |
2nd Vice President | Sally Anderson |
Treasurer | Melissa Korzuch |
Secretary | Anna Finch |
Directors of Standing Committees
Title | Name |
Botany | W. John Hayden |
Conservation | Barbara Ryan |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Melody Mobley |
Education | Joey Thompson |
Fundraising | Emilia Godwin |
Horticulture | Laura Beaty |
Membership | Kathleen O’Shea |
Publications | Virginia Witmer |
Publicity | Ashley Moulton |
Native Plant Site Registry | Charles Smith |
Native Plant Site Registry | Rod Simmons |
Directors at Large
Title | Name |
Director at Large | Joseph Villari |
Grants Manager | Kevin Howe |
Invasive Plant Education | Jim Hurley |
Natural Heritage | John Townsend |
Technology | Mark Murphy |
Chapter Representatives
Chapter | Name |
Blue Ridge Wildflower Society | Jennifer McCarthy, President |
Jefferson | Carol Carter, President |
John Clayton | Lucile Kossodo, President |
New River | Robert Boehringer, President |
Northern Neck Native Plant Society | Betsy Washington, President |
Piedmont | Emily Southgate, President |
Pocahontas | Matt Brooks, President |
Potowmack | Alan Ford, President |
Prince William Wildflower Society | Nancy Vehrs, President |
Shenandoah | Anna Maria Johnson, President |
South Hampton Roads | Pat Quinn, President |
Upper James River | Jan Smith, President |
Title | Name |
Newsletter Editor | Nancy Sorrells |
Office Manager | Karen York |
Last updated November 11, 2023
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