Grove Creek Natural Area
Registered | Location | Sponsor |
March 25, 1996 | James City County | John Clayton Chapter |
Located in Williamsburg adjoining Busch Gardens, this site is an area of ravines and ridges formed by Grove Creek’s cutting down into the Yorktown Formation. Pliocene marine deposits are found underlying the typical noncalcareous coastal plain sediments. It is the home of several rare plants and species at or near their northern limit or disjunct from their primary range.
According to the 1995 Registry Site nomination documentation, the property was owned by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation:
This area encompasses an exceptional community of beech-maple forest and steeply sloped ravines. It contains one rare plant, at least 2 plant species on the Virginia Plant Watch List, 3 or more species at or near their northern range limit, and 5 or more species disjunct from their primary range.
In 1995, these species included:
- Southern Sugar Maple (Acer barbatum)
- Florida Adder’s Mouth (Malaxis spicata)
- Shadow-witch (Ponthevia racemosa)
- Pointed-leaved Tick Trefoil (Desmodium glutinosum)
- Miterwort (Mitella diphylla)
- Yellow Chestnut Oak (Quercus mulenbergii)
- Zigzag Goldenrod (Solidago flexicaulis)
- Mountain Camellia (Stewartia ovata)
The Grove Creek habitat is threatened by the expansion of Busch Gardens and nearby development.
The last documented Registry Site visit in 2010 noted housing developments adjacent to the northern part of the site and indications of planned development on the plateau portions of the site. No other disturbances were identified. Noteworthy species observed on the 2010 visit included:
- Southern Sugar Maple (Acer barbatum)
- Eastern Leatherwood (Dirca palustris)
- Heartleaf Skullcap (Scutellaria ovata)
- Longleaf Woodoat (Chasmanthium sessiliflorum)
- Miterwort (Mitella diphylla)’
- Shumard Oak (Quercus shumardii), new record for site
- Yellow Chestnut Oak (Quercus mulenbergii)
- Zigzag Goldenrod (Solidago flexicaulis)
View a Google Maps satellite image. (37.220557, -76.637826)
Grove Creek flows into the James River southeast of Williamsburg
About the VNPS Native Plant Site Registry