Virginia Regional
Native Plant Guides
Each of these full-color guides highlight 100 or so species of flowering perennials, ferns, vines, grasses, shrubs and trees with a photo, description, symbols for light and moisture requirements and wildlife value (butterfly, caterpillar, bird), and interesting facts. Indices list hundreds of additional species. The guides include sections on conservation landscaping; right plants for right places such as natives for dry or wet shade; native plant demonstration gardens; invasive non-natives of particular concern in the region and native alternatives; and, additional resources about native plants and landscaping with native plants.
A growing number of regional native plant guides are available that highlight the beautiful variety of Virginia’s native plants!
Each of these full-color guides highlight 100 or so species of flowering perennials, ferns, vines, grasses, shrubs and trees with a photo, description, symbols for light and moisture requirements and wildlife value (butterfly, caterpillar, bird), and interesting facts. Indices list hundreds of additional species. The guides include sections on conservation landscaping; right plants for right places such as natives for dry or wet shade; native plant demonstration gardens; invasive non-natives of particular concern in the region and native alternatives; and, additional resources about native plants and landscaping with native plants.
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