Native Plant Lists

The following lists were produced by the James City County unit of the Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) and compiled by JCC/W master gardener and John Clayton member Sue Voigt and VCE agent Leanne DuBois with help from John Clayton president and master gardener Helen Hamilton and other members of the Virginia Native Plant Society.  According to the Digital Atlas of Virginia, the species listed are identified as native to James City County, New Kent and Charles City.

Note: Many of these plants are also native to Gloucester, Mathews and York Counties. To offer additions to this list, please contact Jan Newton.

Additional Native Plant Resources

Drought Tolerant Native Plants
This list was compiled by Helen Hamilton, president of the John Clayton Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society.

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (VDCR) – Native Plants
The site contains the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation lists of native plants for the various regions of Virginia and other information about native plants and conservation.

America’s Anniversary Garden: Native Plants
Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) developed the America’s Anniversary Garden™ to help individuals, communities, and groups commemorate America’s 400th Anniversary with a signature landscape, garden, or container planting. These signature gardens have red, white, and blue color schemes and are being promoted throughout Virginia and beyond.  This site gives information about the anniversary commemoration, native plants and includes a red, white and blue native plant list (near the bottom of the page).