Web Sites
To offer additions to this list, please contact our webmaster, Jan Newton.
National Wildlife Federation – Backyard Habitats
The site contains information about creating wildlife habitats and their benefits, how to certify your wildlife habitat, and educational materials and resources about habitats, native plants and wildlife.
National Wildlife Federation – Schoolyard Habitats
The site contains information about creating schoolyard habitats and their benefits, how to certify your schoolyard habitat, and educational materials and resources about habitats, native plants and wildlife.
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) – Native Plants by Region
The site contains the Virginia DCR’s lists of native plants for various regions and environments of Virginia, information about native plants and their benefits, where to buy them; and offers information about invasive aliens.
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) – Habitats
The site contains information about habitats at home and at school, as well as wildlife information and educational resources.
Virginia Native Plant Society (VNPS) – Brochures, Publications and Links
The VNPS site offers brochures including Butterfly Gardens, Woodland Gardens, and Hedgerows; publications including books and guides for plant identification; information about meetings and fieldtrips; and links to other Native Plant Societies and native plant organizations.
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) – Virginia Naturally
The Virginia Naturally site provides information about environmental education, programs, workshops, and lesson plans, as well as environmental resources and links.
Landscape For Life
Landscape For Life is based on the principles of the Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES) the nation’s first rating system for sustainable landscapes. SITES is an interdisciplinary effort by the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at the University of Texas at Austin, and the United States Botanic Garden in conjunction with a diverse group of stakeholder organizations. This site offers information about making your yard and garden a place that benefits wildlife and the web of life.