Board of Directors
The VNPS Potowmack Chapter Board of Directors usually meets on the first Thursday of January, March, May, July, and November. The annual Membership Meeting is usually held in November. Members are welcome and meetings are open to the public. Meeting dates and times are posted in our Calendar of Events.
Meeting Minutes Budget Documents Bylaws Committee Reports
Position | Name |
President | Alan Ford |
Vice-President | Mark Murphy |
Treasurer | Kit Sheffield |
Secretary | Jen Brown |
Botany Committee Chair | Nelson DeBarros |
Conservation Committee Chair | Rod Simmons |
Education Committee Chair | vacant |
Membership Committee Chair | David Gorsline |
Newsletter Committee Chair | Margaret Chatham |
Propagation / Plant Sales Committee Chair | vacant |
Publications Committee Chair | Ginny McNair |
Publicity Committee Chair | vacant |
Site Registry Committee Chair | Rod Simmons |
Social Media Committee Chair | vacant |
Walks Coordinator | Karen Sheffield |
Member at Large | Margaret Fisher |
Member at Large | Donna Murphy |
Last updated August 20, 2024
Contact a Board Member