Requested Recipe: Sugared Cranberries

cranberriesandapples1At our November 11, 2015 Chapter Meeting Betty Truax served Sugared Cranberries and several people asked how to make them.  They are easy to make!   Put them in a jar with a pretty ribbon and bring as an unusual and tasty hostess gift.  — Enjoy!




2 1/2 cups sugar plus extra to coat them with later
1 1/2 cups water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
zest of 1 large orange
1 bag fresh cranberries

Over medium heat combine 2 1/2 cups sugar, water, vanilla and orange zest.  Bring to a boil and stir until sugar has dissolved.  Dump cranberries into a bowl and pour the syrup mixture, after letting it cool for a minute or two, over them.  Put a plate or something on the berries to hold them under the syrup and refrigerate for several hours once the mixture cools.

Add some sugar to a small bowl and add strained cranberries a handful at a time mixing gently until coated.  Remove them from the sugar and lay them on a cookie sheet (with sides) to dry in a single layer.  Repeat until all the cranberries are coated added sugar to bowl as needed.

Decorate cakes with the sugared cranberries or better yet just eat them as is – they are like candy!!!   They should  last for a week or so once made.

About Mark Murphy (VNPS Communications)