Guided Walk at Maple Flat Ponds with John Holden
Sunday, April 21, 2024
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Maple Flat Ponds
Maple Flat Ponds is in the National Forest about 1/2 hour South of Waynesboro. This unique environment of Sinkhole Vernal Ponds features 90 vascular plants which are somewhat disjunct from their range including some are rare and endangered species. The walk will include visiting several of the ponds and a lunch break at the large and beautiful Spring Pond (bring a packed lunch or snacks and a water bottle). Expect about 3 hours of easy walking. The walk leader has monitored Marbled Salamander populations there for 13 years as part of a Virginia Master Naturalist Stare-wide project.
Free registration required (click here) due to the sensitive nature of the environment and plans to visit some of the rare plants, the group is limited to 12.
*** Registration closes 24 hours prior and then driving directions and more specifics will be sent to those who have signed up. ***
(You do not need the “ticket” the website provides, just sign up to reserve your spot)
If you register and then realize you cannot go, please email Katy (katymeltonsimpson(at)