About Us
The Shenandoah Chapter supports the Virginia Native Plant Society mission to protect and preserve the native plants of Virginia and their habitats. We do that through events such as plant ID walks, plant sales and swaps, supporting conservation initiatives like removal of invasive plants from public lands, and encouraging gardeners to learn about and grow native plants on their properties. If you’d like to volunteer your skills or knowledge, please contact us!
Membership is open to anyone who wants to learn about and appreciate native plants, and our members range from native plant curious to expert. You can support our mission by becoming a member, or making a donation to the chapter.
Our chapter covers the counties of Augusta, Highland, Page, Rockingham, and Shenandoah, and the cities of Harrisonburg, Staunton, and Waynesboro.
The chapter was active from 1987-2017, and then revived in the fall of 2022. A steering committee was formed to support this effort, and officers were formally elected in the fall of 2023. An annual meeting is held each fall to elect officers as needed, approve the budget for the coming fiscal year, and conduct any other necessary business.