The Pollinator Victory Garden with Kim Eierman [via Zoom]

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Sunday, February 21, 2021
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


In keeping with our string of annual author events in the month of February, Kim Eierman, author of The Pollinator Victory Garden, will be our guest speaker on Sunday, February 21 at 2 pm through Zoom. As Kim says, “You don’t have to be an entomologist to realize that pollinators are in trouble, and you don’t have to be a professional landscaper or horticulturist to do something about it.”

Kim asserts that the passion and urgency that inspired WWI and WWII Victory Gardens are needed today to meet another threat to our food supply and our environment—the steep decline of pollinators. The Pollinator Victory Garden offers practical solutions for winning the war against the demise of these essential animals.

Kim Eierman is the Founder of EcoBeneficial. She is an environmental horticulturist and ecological landscape designer specializing in native plants. Based in New York, Kim teaches at the New York Botanical Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, The Native Plant Center in NY, Rutgers Home Gardeners School and several other institutions.  Kim is an active speaker nationwide on many ecological landscape topics, presenting for industry conferences, “green events,” Master Gardener groups, garden clubs, nature centers, Audubon Society chapters, beekeeping groups, and other organizations interested in environmental improvements.  Kim also provides horticultural consulting and landscape design to homeowners and commercial clients.

In addition to being a Certified Horticulturist through the American Society for Horticultural Science, Kim is an Accredited Organic Landcare Professional, a Steering Committee member of The Native Plant Center, and a member of The Ecological Landscape Alliance and the Garden Communicators International.

Registration for this event is free and open to the public.  

Register now for the Zoom Meeting.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

We are grateful to all of our cosponsors that are bringing this event to you FREE of charge:

Audubon Society of Northern Virginia 
Bees in Schools
Leopold’s Preserve
Master Gardeners of Prince William
Native Plant Landscape Design Corp
Plant NOVA Natives
Prince William Conservation Alliance
Prince William Wildflower Society
Virginia Master Naturalists, Merrimac Farm Chapter
Virginia Native Plant Society
The White House Farm Foundation