Invasive Species with Suleka Deevi

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Thursday, October 6, 2022
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Kelly Center Auditorium, Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens


On Thursday, 6 October, in the Kelly Center Auditorium at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, we are pleased to introduce you to the work of Ms. Suleka Deevi.

Interested in learning about invasive species? Suleka will discuss the ecological impacts of invasive species, why they could be useful in certain settings, and what to do about them. She will talk about practical solutions to remove invasives from your yard or park and how to recognize a healthy ecosystem. She will also discuss invasives found in urban areas within Richmond and as well as invasive species taking over forests. Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of natural selection and the remarkable results that give us the world around us.

Suleka is a naturalist who teaches environmental education and loves both birds and plants but can also be found peering at amphibians, insects, and anything else! She guides at bird festivals along the East Coast, has worked as a park ranger and for nonprofits, along with tutoring science and math. She enjoys wildlife photography and its power in environmental conservation and education. As Vice President and Education Chair of Richmond Audubon, she is dedicated to bringing the joy of birding to more people, especially minorities and underserved groups. Her goal is to see a birding crowd as diverse as the birds themselves! When she isn’t birding, she can be found walking along the river with her black lab or watching yard birds with her indoor cat. She is currently working on bringing Richmond its very own bird festival! Follow her @curiouschickadee and @coastside_desi on Instagram and Facebook.

This hybrid meeting (live or via Zoom) is free and open to the public. The meet and greet starts at 6:30 pm followed by the presentation at 7 pm. A short business meeting will follow the presentation. 

The Pocahontas Chapter is one of 12 Virginia Native Plant Society chapters, and serves the counties of Amelia, Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, King William, New Kent, Powhatan, Prince George, and the cities of Colonial Heights, Hopewell, Petersburg, and Richmond.

Membership in a chapter is available to anyone who joins the Virginia Native Plant Society. VNPS members enjoy the natural world and support efforts to preserve Virginia’s native plants. Ranging in age from students to seniors, members are professionals, knowledgeable amateurs and many who are just beginning to learn about our flora. While some members join enthusiastically in activities, others help out occasionally or support the society solely with their memberships and their interest. All are welcome. For more information, visit the state website: