Blue Ridge Wildflower Society Plant Sale
Saturday, May 15, 2021
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs
The Blue Ridge Wildflower Society’s Annual Native Plant Sale will bloom this year on Saturday, May 15, at the Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs, 3640 Colonial Avenue on the grass behind back parking lot.
The sale will be open to the public from 9 a.m. until noon.
View/download the Annual Plant Sale Flyer (PDF).
Because of the pandemic, we ordered larger plants that won’t need repotting, so we will not have a potting party this year. Again, because of the pandemic restrictions, we chose to have it at the Garden Club instead of the usual location above the arboretum at Virginia Western Community College.
Below is a listing of some of the plants that we have ordered. There is a heavy emphasis on sun-loving, pollinator plants because our little friends need all the help we can give them.
We also have some shade plants but we need more. Any and all shade loving spring ephemerals and woodland ferns that you can donate would be greatly appreciated. As the time gets closer, we will send out an email asking for volunteers and give more specifics about the times.
If you have any questions or know of plants that you can donate, please don’t hesitate to contact Michael Belcher at 989-6384 or at
Plants Ordered |
Need Donations |
Canada Anemone Red Milkweed Butterflyweed Whorled Milkweed Joe Pye Weed Goldenrod New England Aster SkyBlue Aster Heath Aster Woodland Aster Blue False Indigo Cream False Indigo White False Indigo Red Beebalm Woodland Bergamot Mountain Mint Tall bellflower White turtlehead Harebell Mistflower Lanceleaf Coreopsis Purple Coneflower Pale Coneflower Yellow Coneflower Wild Geranium Virginia Waterleaf Blazingstar Cardinal Flower Great Blue Lobelia Jacob’s ladder Fire pink Spiderwort New Jersey Tea Wild Quinine |
Mayapple Bloodroot Twinleaf Jack in the pulpit Any variety of trilliums Bluebells Columbines Allegheny Spurge Woodland ferns Wild Ginger (Herbaceous and or shuttleworth varieties) Woodpoppy/Celandine Bleeding Heart Native Clematis/Virgin’s Bower Beautyberry bushes Hearts-a-bustin bushes Witchhazel bushes Red twig dogwood bushes Buttonbush Sweetshrub/Carolina Allspice bushes |