Prince William Wildflower Society Annual Native Plant Sale
Saturday, May 11, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Bethel Lutheran Church
Many of the native plants, including wildflowers, ferns, trees, and shrubs, you saw at our Spring Wildflower Garden Tour on April 28 will be offered for sale at our Annual Wildflower and Native Plant Sale, Saturday, May 11, from 10 a.m. – noon on the grounds of Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church in Manassas.
Plants for both sun and shade will be available. Plants have been propagated by members or shared from their gardens; none have been collected from the wild. Some commercially propagated plant plugs will also be available.
Pay by cash, check, or credit card. VNPS members receive a 10 percent discount on plant purchases. Join at
For more information, to volunteer, or to donate plants, contact Nancy Arrington at 703-408-7446,, or Nancy Vehrs at 703-368-2898,