New Botanical Records and “Rediscoveries” in Fairfax County with Nelson DeBarros

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Thursday, February 10, 2022
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Potowmack Chapter Botany Committee chair Nelson DeBarros will present observations from recent botanical survey work conducted in support of the Fairfax County Park Authority Natural Vegetation Community Classification project.

Some recent “discoveries”: found in a powerline right-of-way, S-curve Three-awn (Aristida ramosissima) and Buffalo Clover (Trifolium reflexum), found 60+ years after it was last collected in the Dulles area.

Nelson DeBarros is a Vegetation Ecologist with the Fairfax County Park Authority. Nelson earned his B.S. in Biology from Providence College in Rhode Island, and a M.S. in Ecology from the Pennsylvania State University.

Before relocating to the Mid-Atlantic, Nelson served as the program botanist for the Connecticut Natural Diversity Database.