Pocahontas Chapter Skunk Cabbage Walk
Sunday, January 28, 2018
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Dorey Park
This is a great event for new visitors and old members alike! It’s a perfect way to start the new year, and for new visitors to learn about what our chapter does!
(Richmond, VA) – In hopes of finding the unique first flower of spring, the Pocahontas Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society will lead two walks in Dorey Park to look for eastern skunk cabbage. It can be found even with snow on the ground because it generates heat and melts the surrounding snow. Another good indicator of its presence is the sulfur-like odor it emits, thus the name skunk cabbage. That odor attracts beetles and flies (pollinators), and protects the plant from being a feast for herbivores. Its unique flower is worth the search. Join us on January 28, February 11, or both days to find this fascinating forerunner of the spring flowers to come.
Anyone with an interest in our native landscape is welcome, from novice to expert. The approximately 90-minute walks are free and start at 2 p.m., but please arrive by 1:50 p.m. To confirm your participation and have questions answered, contact trip leader Leslie Allanson at 804-335-5866 or leleorr4@gmail.com.
Dorey is a 400-acre park in eastern Henrico County (https://henrico.us/rec/places/dorey/). Meet at small parking lot on left near soccer field; the head of the nature trail is across road. Remember to wear sturdy waterproof shoes or boots and bring your own water and snacks. Trips may be canceled due to heavy rain. Contact trip leader if any questions.
The Pocahontas Chapter is one of 12 Virginia Native Plant Society chapters, and serves the counties of Amelia, Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, King William, New Kent, Powhatan, Prince George, and the cities of Colonial Heights, Hopewell, Petersburg, and Richmond. In addition to the monthly meetings, the chapter conducts field trips, holds a May picnic and wildflower walk, hosts the annual Virginia Native Plant Society Winter Workshop, and sends a monthly newsletter.
Membership in a chapter is available to anyone who joins the Virginia Native Plant Society. VNPS members enjoy the natural world and support efforts to preserve Virginia’s native plants. Ranging in age from students to seniors, members are professionals, knowledgeable amateurs and many who are just beginning to learn about our flora. While some members join enthusiastically in activities, others help out occasionally or support the society solely with their memberships and their interest. All are welcome.
For more information visit the chapter and state websites: https://vnps.org/pocahontas/ and https://vnps.org/.