Good Beginnings for Great Gardens

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Saturday, March 29, 2014
All Day

Church of the Nazerene


“Good Beginnings for Great Gardens”
Annual Seminar for Gardening in the Northern Neck
White Stone, VA
Registration: $25

A fabulous line-up of speakers is on the ticket for the 21st Annual Seminar for Gardening in the Northern Neck! In addition to speakers there will be vendors and book sales to help you onward in your gardening journey. Registration forms will be available by clicking here:

Speakers will include:

Bryce Lane is an award winning instructor at N. C. State University and the host of a weekly educational TV show that introduces viewers to the science behind gardening. Bryce’s topic will be “If You Build It, They Will Come: Understanding and Improving Garden Soils”

Denise Greene, owner of Sassafras Farm in Hayes, will talk about where to find native plants, what to look for when buying natives, and how to plant and manage natives in her talk “Landscaping with Natives.”

Holly Shimizu, Executive Director of the US Botanic Garden in Washington. DC since 2000 will speak on “Influences and Inspirations for Today’s Sustainable Garden”

Janet Pawlukiewicz, representing the Northern Neck chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society will discuss their program “Plant NNK Natives: Go Native, Grow Native.”