Cypress Bridge Field Trip

Cypress Bridge Swamp Natural Area Preserve Field Trip
October 10, 2015

Join Byron Carmean on October 10 to visit the nearly 380 acre Cypress Bridge Swamp Natural Area Preserve where several trees are estimated to be more than 1000 years old. Located in the preserve is the largest Carolina ash, (Fraximus caroliniana), in the US. Other notable specimens in the preserve are the largest swamp cottonwood, (Populus heterophylla), in the state and the former-champion overcup oak, (Quercus lyrata), and water tupelos, (Nyssa aquatica). Also significant is the state-rare mudflower, (Micranthemum umbrosum), which is found in the swamp.

Lover of big trees, Byron Carmean, has been searching for Virginia’s largest and notable trees for more than 30 years. Byron’s discovery of the stand of trees at Cypress Bridge lead to Virginia’s designation of the area as a natural area preserve. So, if you love big trees, visiting Cypress Bridge with Byron is about as good as it gets.

October and early November are usually the best times to visit the area because water is likely to be low and visitors can walk through the area on foot. Although one will likely get wet feet, the water will be fairly warm and hiking boots are not recommended. Ideally, only a couple of canoes will be needed to ferry folks across the Nottoway River. However, water level in the preserve is affected by coastal storms and other heavy rain. In order to complete the field trip if the water is too deep for foot travel, canoes and kayaks have been reserved with a nearby outfitter. Thus, the fee for the field trip is $25 per person, partially to cover the cost of canoes if they are needed.

Participants will meet in Suffock, VA at 10 am, on Saturday, October 10. Registration opens August 10. To register, contact the VNPS office on or after that date and send payment as soon as you are notified that you are included. Byron feels comfortable with a group of twenty. VNPS members whose field trip was cancelled in October 2014 have first option but at least ten other spaces are available.

If you have questions, contact Shirley Gay,